In order to change your membership to a different category of membership, you will need to complete an application for that membership category. To access the online application:
1. Go to and click on the red box in the middle of the top of the page that says “Join/Renew AAMFT”
2. Login to your existing account.
*PLEASE DO NOT CREATE ANOTHER ACCOUNT. All of your membership history, activity, registrations and courses should be consolidated under one ID number for the entire span of your career and membership.
3. The online form will ask “What do you want to do?”
Please select "Upgrade my existing membership" to transfer to a higher category.
4. Next, complete the online form which will request information regarding your professional details.
You may also download the appropriate fillable PDF application, which are located at the bottom of our Join page. When you complete the PDF application, you may email, mail* or fax the application to our Alexandria, VA office location.
*We do not advise mailing your application, as mail delays frequently occur.