- Sign in to your account by clicking “sign in” in the upper right-hand corner
- After signing in, click "Renew AAMFT" in the upper-right hand corner to be redirected to the online application.
- There will be an "I am" statement that appears on the screen. if the statement no longer applies to you, please select "Yes" to upgrade your membership.
- You will see an ethics question. If you answer no, you will then be asked to verify your email address and answer optional demographic questions that AAMFT uses to better understand our members.
- Click . You will then see the amount of dues you owe. Click Next.
- You will then see a list of optional engagement programs. To opt in, check as many as you would like to join. If you are opting out of networks you were previously in, be sure to uncheck things so they will not be included in your final bill. Click Next.
- You will be taken to our optional contributions page. We suggest a $35 donation to each, but you are under no obligation to give. To adjust the amount, click in the box and type in the amount you would like to donate.
- Click Next
- You will see an itemized list of charges. Click .
- Click .
- Enter your email address to receive a copy of your receipt. Then, enter your card information, then click .
Congratulations, you have renewed your membership!
If you would prefer to renew over the phone, you may do that as well by calling 703-838-9808.
You can also mail a check and copy of the invoice to:
PO Box 418602
Boston, MA 02241-8602
Please be advised the renewals sent by mail will take longer to process.